Kabiruini Showground, Nyeri7th-10th September 2022
NAIROBI OFFICE Naivasha Road, Off Ngong Rd P.O. Box 20064 – 00200 NAIROBI Mobile: +254 722 200 556 / +254 734 600 944 Hotline: +254 703 333 777 Email: info@teaboard.or.ke Find us on Google Map
KERICHO OFFICE Ndege Chai Plaza Mobile : +254 202 440 652 Email: infokrc@teaboard.or.ke Find us on Google Map
MOMBASA OFFICE Ngonyo Road, Tea Board of Kenya - Mombasa Building Mobile: +254 721 200 556 Email: infomsa@teaboard.or.ke Find us on Google Map
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